Map and Directions to Heianbo


Take the Main Exit from JR Kyoto train station. Walk straight ahead to the corner of Shiokoji Dori (Shiokoji Street) and Karasuma Dori (Karasuma Street). You will see the Kyoto Tower and Starbucks on this corner. Go up Karasuma Dori on the left side (past the McDonalds and the Kintetsu Department Store). When you pass the Kintetsu Department Store, take a sharp left down a narrow street and you will find Heianbo (a reddish building on your right side just past a parking area). Note: Please ask the staff at Heianbo for parking directions if you arrive by car before parking your car.

Address (English)

725 Nishiiru-higashishiokojicho, Shichijo-sagaru, Karasuma-dori, Shimogyo-ku,

Address (Japanese)
